April 7, 2010
By the Regulation no. 788-p of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Victor Metalidi was appointed the Deputy Chair of the State Geological Survey and, respectively, was dismissed from the post of Chair of the Board of Ukrgeoproject MC.
Regulation no. 788-p of April 7, 2010
March 24, 2010
Press-conference “Mineral Deposits Market in Ukraine: State and Outlook” of Ukrgeoproject MC (V. Metalidi and V. Zelenyuk) was held on March 22, 2010 in news agency Interfax-Ukraine. Press-conference was covered by “Перший діловий”, “UBR” and “INTV” TV channels, as well as “Инвестгазета”, “Власть денег”, “Комментарии” and other business papers.
Press release of the conference.
Complete press release of the conference.